The FIRE Movement - It Spreads Rapidly

What is the FIRE Movement?

The FIRE movement basically is about a concept you can have financial independence and retire early base on your passive income.

Many people has adopted this concept, especially in the United States.

Many has started intentionally and aggressively by saving and investing early.

Many wanted to retire before 30 years old or 40 years old.

The idea is to grow your wealth in such a way, that your passive income will surpass your monthly expenses.

To make it perpetual, the investment need to continue to grow so that it will take care of inflation and future expenses that may arise.

Also, it is best to live a simpler life by not spending on things that are unnecessary.

Only focus on the needs and not the wants.

Eat simple but healthy. Exercise regularly.

Many professional has taken this steps, including a CNN reporter.
Watch the story below.

What do you think of this F.I.R.E movement?

Are you inspired and wanted to do the same?

Leave you comment below and let us know what you think?

Happy Investing 😀

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