How to Invest in US Stock Market from Malaysia - Must Read (with Special Bonus Tips)

Investing in the US Stock Markets offers one of the best potential return.

If you are from Malaysia, there are a few ways where you can start to invest or trade US stocks.

1. Through local banks

There are plenty of local banks in Malaysia that offers brokerage platform for you to trade US stocks.

There are:

a) Maybank
c) RHB

However, do note that the brokerage fees that they charges are quite high.

I do also use Maybank, and it charges up to USD25 per trade.
USD25 to open a trade, and another USD25 to close a trade.

If you doing serious day trading or even swing trading, using local Malaysia banks are definitely not recommended.

The fees alone will eat up your profit pretty quickly.

However, if you want to only do investment over the long term, you can probably still uses these local banks.

Important Bonus Tips: To optimize the fees, it is better to invest in a bigger sum, because it it much cheaper in term of fees. 👍

One good thing to use local banks is that you have local customer service support during normal hours.

2. Through International Broker such as Interactive Broker

I uses Interactive Brokers to do most of my daily trading.

Interactive Brokers are from US, with different branches around the world.

It offers one of the lowest fees among the brokerage out there.

Happy Investing! 😉

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